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Notice of the General Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Issuing the Several Policy Measures of Shanghai Municipality on Expanding Effective Investment and Stabilizing Economic Development


SMPG GO D [2020] No. 3

AttentionAll District People’s Governments, all Commissions, Offices and Bureaus of Municipal People’s Government:

With the approval of the Municipal People’s Government, We hereby issue to you the Several Policy Measures of Shanghai Municipality on Expanding Effective Investment and Stabilizing Economic Development and require you to implement them conscientiously.


Several Policy Measures of Shanghai Municipality on Expanding Effective Investment and Stabilizing Economic Development

With a view to fully implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on coordinating prevention and control of COVID-19 and promoting economic and social development, and fully implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Municipal Party Committee, we hereby put forward the following policy measures on expanding effective investment and stabilizing economic development in Shanghai Municipality.  

I. Promoting the Resumption of Major Projects

1. Accelerating the orderly resumption of projects under construction. We shall fully and completely resume the projects with the conditions in place for resumption. We shall reserve and allocate the personnel and materials in a good way, and relevant municipal and district people’s departments shall assist major projects construction enterprises in collecting and aggregating epidemic prevention materials through multiple channels. We shall strengthen the material coordination among and within the municipal key enterprise groups. Relying on the Yangtze River Delta regional cooperation mechanism, we shall coordinate the deployment of epidemic prevention materials, construction materials and machinery across provinces, cities and regions. We shall specify investment plan on a monthly basis, optimize construction organization, and gradually increase construction intensity. (Responsible departments: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Management Commission, Municipal Commerce Commission, Yangtze River Delta Regional Cooperation Office, competent departments of various industries)

2. Intensifying coordination on newly launched projects. For the newly commenced projects and preparatory projects listed as major projects at the municipal and district levels, we shall carry out unified in-advance services such as project approval, planning, land, environmental protection and construction application, stabilize design schemes, speed up preliminary work and strive to start the work at earliest possible time.(Responsible departments: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Management Commission, Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau)

3. Keeping Reservation for major projects. We shall formulate the major construction projects check list (2020-2022) of the whole Municipality in combination with the compiling of "the 14th five-year plan", special planning of major projects in-depth research, construction plans etc., with the focus on the six key areas such as the industrial upgrading and technological innovation, a new generation of information infrastructure, people's livelihood, ecological civilization, comprehensive traffic and municipal infrastructure facilities, security assurance and energy supplies. For some functional projects with strong driving forces, we will arrange special funds of 60 million yuan for construction at the municipal level, promote the transformation of preparatory projects into formal projects, and speed up the preliminary work of major projects. (Responsible department: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

II. Expanding Effective Government Investment

4. Strengthening financial capital assurance of the government. We shall coordinate and dispatch budgets at the municipal and district levels in a unified way to ensure construction funds for government-invested projects. The first batch of 15 billion yuan out of the financial investment plan for municipal construction in 2020 will be allocated in advance. During the period of epidemic prevention and control, government investment projects shall allocate the special measures fees for epidemic prevention according to the standard, and the reasonably increased costs due to resumption of work shall be included into the total investment of the project. The formulation of balanced budget for the airport connects line and the Chongming rail transit line shall be accelerated. (Responsible departments: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Management Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau)

5. Accelerating the issuance and use of special government bonds. We shall accelerate the completion of the issuance of special bonds for local governments, and use the proceeds of these bonds for projects under construction at earliest possible time, thus forming a physical workload. We shall make preparations for and strive for projects of newly increased special government bonds. (Responsible departments: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

6. Accelerating the arrangement and use of land transfer revenue. During the epidemic prevention and control period, we will allocate 10 billion yuan in advance for old area renovation projects that are in urgent need of funds. We shall accelerate the launch of a joint municipal - district land reserve project and a new round of joint municipal - district old area renovation projects. (Responsible departments: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Management Commission)

7. Putting in place the responsibilities of the main bodies of previous work. We shall further strengthen planning and early-stage work for major government-funded projects, fully implement the mechanism for coordinating and promoting early-stage projects, and optimize the approval process. The municipal linear construction project may be examined and approved by stages (sections), and the land planning license may be issued by stages (sections).For the items that require the examination and approval of ministries and commissions of the State, special working groups shall be put in place to strengthen the work linkage. (Responsible departments: competent departments of various industries, Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Management Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau)

8. Strengthening the assurance of land use for construction projects. We shall give full support to the construction land plan for major projects and ensure that all the land is assured. We will assign 50% reduction quota of construction land to each district in advance, and enhance the support to the temporary borrowing of turnover quota. We shall strengthen the assurance of the reduction quota of construction land in each district to put in place the major projects. If necessary, the method of "direct supply" may be adopted to directly use the reduction quota in the process of transferring agricultural land to construction land for assuring the project land. We shall increase the overall planning and adjustment in the whole Municipality to keep the quota of farmland occupation and compensation balanced for major projects. We shall implement the requirements of the newly enforced Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, formulate operational rules for compensation for land expropriation, and ensure that land expropriation is conducted in accordance with the law.(Responsible departments and units: Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, District Governments)

III Activate Vitality of Social Investment

9. Keep land market transactions stable and orderly. During the epidemic prevention and control period, for land plots that have been listed for sale in a targeted way, on-site trading shall be canceled, and electronic trading shall be conducted directly to confirm the bidding winner. For land plots to be sold through public bidding, auction and listing shall be arranged in a coordinated way, and on-site trading shall be conducted through the Internet, and epidemic prevention and control shall be implemented in a good way. The time of executing contract of construction commencement and completion as well as of production commissioning and reaching design capacity shall be subsequently postponed to eliminate the impact of the epidemic on the execution of the land transfer contract. (Responsible department: Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau)

10. Accelerating the pace of profit-oriented land transfer. The land supply plan shall be implemented and the annual land supply shall be appropriately increased, with dynamic monthly detailing. Differentiated management of land transactions shall be implemented and differentiated market accession management shall be applied with an aim to apply different modes of land transfer and propel an orderly and efficient advancement. (Responsible departments and units: Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, all District People’s Governments)

11. Accelerating urban renewal. We shall not charge additional tariff for the stock industrial land that increased the plot ratio and underground space through approval. We shall follow the model of public transport-oriented development and keep the balance of regional gross volume, study and optimize the plot ratio of residential and commercial plots and intensify the investment. We shall support the stocked real estate properties on the allocated land to develop new forms and models and ensure that the use of land, the obligee and the type of obligation may not be changed during the five-year transition period. We shall gradually facilitate accommodation of farmers in relatively concentrated compounds. (Responsible departments: Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Management Commission, Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Commission)

12. Reducing the cost pressure of real estate developers to access to the market. The urban infrastructure supporting fees payable for the residential construction projects in 2020 may be paid within three months after the construction permit of the first project is obtained. Eligible real estate developers are allowed to delay the declaration and payment of land value-added tax. The payment time and mode requirements for the transfer price of profit-oriented land shall be optimized. (Responsible departments: Municipal Housing Administration Bureau, Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Tax Bureau)

13. Reducing land use costs for manufacturing projects. The starting price for the transfer of industrial land may refer to the lowest price for industrial land nationwide, and the starting price for the research and development land transfer may refer to the benchmark price for the said land in this Municipality. For industrial land acquired by enterprises from the government or state-owned enterprises through leasing (including the land that is leased first and transferred later), land lease fees during the epidemic prevention and control period shall be exempted. The scale of manufacturing land in key transition areas shall be ensured. The overall transformation of key areas such as Taopu, Nanda, Wusong, Wujing and Gaoqiao shall be promoted in a coordinated way, the land development mechanism shall be studied and land cost for project implementation shall be reduced.(Responsible departments: Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Informatization Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Housing Administration Bureau)

14. Increase the investment intensity for stock land. We shall strictly implement administration in accordance with the demarcated industrial block control line to ensure the development space of the manufacturing industry. We shall make innovations in land use mechanisms in line with the differentiated needs of different regions and industries and implement precise policies such as the transfer of mixed land, the raise of plot ratio, the division and transfer of standard factory buildings, and the coordination of the green space ratio to make efficient use of the stocked land.(Responsible departments and units: Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Landscaping and City Appearance Bureau, all District People’s Governments)

15. Increasing funding support for advanced manufacturing and modern service industries. Funds for strategic emerging industries in Shanghai Municipality shall be used to support the development of key areas through investment subsidies, capital funds and discount interest loans. Medium - and long-term low-interest loans shall be extended from integrated circuits to artificial intelligence and biomedicine. Adequate funding for technological upgrading at the municipal and district levels shall be ensured to increase the scale of funding, raise the support proportion for projects, and carry out special technological renovation campaign for unmanned factories. (Responsible departments and units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Informatization Commission, and all District People’s Governments)

IV. Ceaselessly Improve the Investment Environment

16. Specifying and putting in place the annual tasks of attracting businesses and investment. We shall put in place the main responsibility of attracting businesses and investment in all districts and key parks, further strengthen the construction of district-level investment facilitation departments, and establish evaluation mechanism and incentive mechanism for attracting businesses and investment. We shall establish the leadership liaison mechanism at municipal and district levels for major investment projects, promote Lingang new area of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Hongqiao business zone, the demonstration zone of ecological green development integration of Yangtze river delta, Zhangjiang Science City, the Expo Park, International Tourist Resort, Changxing Island in attracting high quality projects, coordinate in solving the problems for attracted projects in assuring such factors as land, energy, environmental capacity as well as in the process of construction to ensure the early commencement and early production of the key attracted investment projects.(Responsible departments and units: Municipal Commission of Economic Informatization and all District People’s Governments)

17. Assure alignment of investment project with financing services. We shall, in accordance with the overall requirements of the real estate financial policies, strengthen dynamic monitoring, support the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises, and encourage financial institutions to increase support to the renovation of old areas, so as to maintain the steady development of the real estate market. We shall make good use of the special re-lending policies of the People's Bank of China and special loans of policy-based financial institutions to resume work and production, reduce financing costs, and ease the financial burden on enterprises during special periods. We shall support the issuance of medium - and long-term credit products to manufacturing enterprises, support enterprises to issue bonds and raise funds for investment and other related fields. We shall guide financial institutions to open up green channels, provide financial consulting services, design financing plans, and increase credit supply.(Responsible departments: Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China, Shanghai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, Municipal Administration of Housing and Urban-rural Development, and Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

18. Advancing the "Integrated Online Platform" and deepening reform of the examining and approving system for investment projects. We shall, relying on the platform of "Integrated Online Platform", put in place the “Management through one division” for the administrative service items of construction projects within the investment bodies and implement “Submission through one portal” for all kinds of materials and data.

We shall construct subject database for projects information, aggregate various kinds of approved structured data of construction projects, electronic certificates and electronic documents. We shall give full play to the comprehensive effect of "Tesla", and actively explore innovation of examination and approval procedures in regional assessment, standard land supply, shortage permit submission, notification commitment, "multi-audits in one", "multi-certificates in one" and other segments.(Responsible departments: General Office of the Municipal People’s Government, Municipal Big Data Center, Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Management Commission, Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

19. Standardize evaluation and review on intermediary services. We shall implement administration over intermediary services in checklist, standardization, and categorization so as to clear up, consolidate, and streamline some of the services to the greatest extent possible. For low-risk industrial projects with social investment, we shall cancel the review of construction drawing design documents entrusted by the construction unit, and enhance operational and post-operational oversight on the quality of construction drawing design documents. We shall explore ways to gradually narrow the scope of inspection of construction drawings, implement the commitment mechanism in notifying the design quality of the drawings, and strictly implement the lifelong responsibility system for engineering survey and design quality. For the retained intermediary services, we shall compile service guidelines for every sector, strengthen credit information management and improve supervision and assessment. (Responsible departments: Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Administration Commission, all intermediary service administration departments)

20. Optimizing the construction and services of municipal supporting projects. We shall strengthen administration on municipal supporting facilities beyond the red line, and encourage the eligible entities that construct, operate and maintain the municipal supporting facilities to participate in competition. We shall carry out anti-monopoly compliance guidelines for enterprises and strengthen anti-monopoly law enforcement. We shall standardize the charge management for supporting projects, increase charge tariffs, improve the transparency of service information, improve service quality, and shorten the time limit for municipal supporting access. We shall study the reasonable and standard charge system and mechanism of municipal supporting works. (Responsible departments: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau)

These Policy Measures shall be implemented as of April 15, 2020 (If specific policy measures clarify the execution time limit, such time limit shall prevail).