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Implementation Opinions of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Boosting the High-quality Development of the Comprehensive Bonded Zones in This Municipality


SMPG GO [2021] No. 1

Attention: All District People’s Governments, and all Commissions, Offices and Bureaus of the Municipal People’s Government:

With a view to implementing the Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Advancing the High-quality Development of Trade and the Several Opinions of the State Council on Boosting the High-level Opening-up and High-quality Development of the Comprehensive Bonded Zones, and bringing the important role of every comprehensive bonded zone in this Municipality into a better play in the construction of a higher level of opening economy and the establishment of a new system of opening economy in Shanghai, the following Implementation Opinions on Boosting the High-Quality Development of the Comprehensive Bonded Zones in This Municipality have now been put forward.

I. Accelerating the Industrial Transformation and Upgrading in the Comprehensive Bonded Zones

1.Optimizing the functional orientation. We shall define the functional orientation of each comprehensive bonded zone in this Municipality, strengthen the linkage between each comprehensive bonded zone and the leading industries in the district of its locality (hereinafter referred to as the “local district”), serve and promote the regional economic development; support each comprehensive bonded zone to develop its characteristic industry segments based on its own advantages to form a situation of diversified development and healthy competition; encourage the comprehensive bonded zones to establish catalogue of their characteristic industries and support the eligible key projects. (Responsible units: Local District People’s Government, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone)

2.Supporting the construction of comprehensive bonded zones. We shall make best use of the available financial resources of municipal and district people’s governments to support the construction of comprehensive bonded zones, and urge the introducing of key projects, reforming and activating the stock resources, building platforms with important functions and trials for major innovations in the comprehensive bonded zones. (Responsible units: Local District People’s Government, Each Relevant Functional Department)

3.Strengthening the land use guarantee. According to the boundaries approved by the State Council, we shall maintain the scale and nature of land-use for the comprehensive bonded zone stable, ensure the land-use quotas for major projects in the comprehensive bonded zone; and under the same condition, give the priority to the major project with a need of 50-year-period industrial land-use grant in the comprehensive bonded zone. We shall encourage comprehensive bonded zones to supply land by adopting a standardized mode of industrial land-use grant, set clear admission requirements on the industrial performance, provide the information of standardized land granting and make announcement in advance. And we shall, in the comprehensive bonded zones, carry out trials on the mixed-use of versatile lands to raise the achievement performance of industrial lands in the zones. (Responsible units: Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone)

4.Activating available resources. We shall encourage comprehensive bonded zones to explore the market mechanism for deepened development and exploitation of the stock construction projects. For the land having been approved but put on hold in a comprehensive bonded zone, we shall urge and guide the grantee to optimize the project plan, accelerate the development and construction and strictly handle the idle lands; and encourage the zone to make full use of its major market-entity advantage as a platform, to make trials on the methods of market-centered buying-back and/or returning like “swapping quality property for low-efficiently-used land” and in this way to activate the low-efficiently-used land for industrial use. The enterprises shall be guided to return low-efficiently-used lands on their own initiative by such market-centered means as transferring surplus lands and subleasing surplus houses; and the enterprise having introduced high-quality industrial projects shall be given certain support. (Responsible units: Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, Local District People’s Government, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Municipal Finance Bureau)

5.Strengthening the guarantee of the quotas for energy consumption, etc.. The local district peoples’ government shall guarantee the quotas for energy consumption and total major pollutant discharge in the zone; as for the quality major projects with higher energy consumption and larger pollutant discharge but difficult to make a complete balance in the district, the local district people’s government may apply for a municipal support. (responsible units: Local District People’s Government, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau)

6. Implementation of comprehensive regional assessments. The management organ in each comprehensive bonded zone shall organize and carry out comprehensive regional assessments on the environment, water resources and geologic hazards. For the construction projects in the comprehensive bonded zone, except those otherwise provided by the State and/or this Municipality, the development enterprise shall not make the relevant assessment on its own, nor go through the procedures of examination and approval; instead, the green space ratio by areas in the comprehensive bonded zone may be implemented according to the regional overall balance. (Responsible units: Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Municipal Commission of Traffic, Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, Municipal Greening and City Appearance Bureau)

7.Supporting R&D and innovation by enterprises. We shall explore  the practice of expanding the service coverage of Zhangjiang Cross-border Science and Technology Innovation Regulatory Service Center to all comprehensive bonded zones and extending its service functions to the items including consumable materials, samples and reagents, etc.; support boned R&D enterprises to establish the specialized bonded R&D electronic account book and the electronic original account book that involves the information of R&D materials, parts and products; allow enterprises to go through the formalities of declaring and clearance in accordance with their actual situation of R&D; and further innovate the new regulatory mode of convenient customs clearance of R&D materials by  means of applying modern information techniques. (Responsible units: Shanghai Customs, Shanghai Science Innovation Office)

8.Accelerating the development of global maintenance business. We shall actively apply to the relevant state department for including more products into the Product Catalogue of Bonded Maintenance, adjust the Catalogue of Old Mechanical and Electrical Products Prohibited from Importation at proper time; actively explore the expansion of the product scope for the enterprise in the comprehensive bonded zone to contract its maintenance business from the home market, and support the comprehensive bonded zone to apply to the relevant State department for the implementation of the pilot project of characteristic bonded maintenance business. (Responsible units: Municipal Commission of Commerce, Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, Shanghai Customs)

9.Support enterprises in comprehensive bonded zones to become authenticated economic operator (AEO). We shall intensify the training and cultivation for enterprises in the comprehensive bonded zone to participate in the AEO authentication and accelerate the authentication process of the new enterprise applying for AEO; explore the practice of providing senior AEO enterprises with more convenience such as declaration after entry in the zone, pre-inspection, goods delivery in batches but customs declaration in whole, and inspection at storing sites, etc. to raise their achievement sense of policies; and when it’s necessary for senior AEO enterprises to provide guarantees, the enterprise credit guarantee method shall be allowed. (Responsible units: Shanghai Customs, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone)

II. Giving A Better Play to the Role of the Strategic Integration of Domestic and Foreign Trade

1.Optimizing the pilot policy for the general taxpayers’ value-added tax. The management organ of each comprehensive bonded zone shall actively assist the enterprise in need in the zone to apply for the said pilot program. The relevant municipal departments shall actively apply to the relevant State department for the restoration of, and then perfect the mechanism of exiting from the pilot program. The enterprise may, according to its business changes, determine the period of pilot policy. (Responsible units: Municipal Tax Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Shanghai Customs, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone)

2.Supporting process-trade enterprises to develop domestic market. We shall, in the comprehensive bonded zone, add more policies such as tariff bond insurance, temporary exemption of interest on deferred taxes, selective levy of tariffs on domestic sales to support the enterprise to do domestic and foreign trade business simultaneously. The application scope of the products for both domestic and foreign sale made on the same production lines, under the same standards and of the same quality shall be extended to the consumer goods and industrial goods, the relevant authentication convenience shall be offered to the said products, and the dynamic on the publicity and promotion of the said products shall be increased. We shall provide legal consultation on the intellectual property right such as the brand licensing for enterprises that transfer the export goods for domestic sale, etc.. (Responsible units: Municipal Commission of Commerce, Municipal Administration for Market Regulation, Shanghai Customs, Municipal Finance Bureau)

3.Supporting capable enterprises to build global distribution center. Eligible domestic non-bonded goods shall be allowed to enter  comprehensive bonded zones in the manner of non-customs declaration and stored with bonded goods in the same warehouses and transited by LCL (Less than Container Load); and the convenience for handling the procedures of switching domestic non-bonded goods with bonded goods shall be offered when it is necessary for enterprises’ business need. We shall urge the connection of the data between the regulatory system of the customs and the auxiliary supporting service system to facilitate the transfer and interconnection among the enterprises’ various account books; and, under the premise of ensuring the risk control, raise the flexibility and convenience of the supervision by making more use of information and intelligence means. The supervisory administration organ of the customs shall be supported to issue the Certificate of Non Re-Processing for international distributed goods in the comprehensive bonded zone. (Responsible units: Shanghai Customs, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone)

4. Actively exploring information-based supervision mode. We shall focus on key industries such as integrated circuit, biomedicine, artificial intelligence and aviation and aerospace, etc.; support capable enterprises to strengthen their cooperation with the customs’ supervisory administration organ; actively explore the application of information technology to realize an integrated supervisory administration covering both the bonded goods and non-bonded goods and the bonded whole industry chain inside and outside the zone, so as to satisfy the needs of flexible production for enterprises at either the upper or lower end of the industry chain. (Responsible units: Shanghai Customs, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone)

5. Supporting innovative development of Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone. We shall further perfect the functions of integrated platform of information management and service in the  Lin-gang new area to achieve the sharing of supervisory information for more departments; and, based on the integrated management and service platform, further optimize and simplify the trade supervisory process, raise the convenience for the business of international allocation and distribution center, sale and service center and less-than-container load transit center. We shall support Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone and the Lin-gang new area, by means of joint supervision, to back up the enterprise’s business innovation, to coordinate the international and domestic two markets and international and domestic two resources, to accelerate the development of bonded R&D design, bonded process and manufacture, and high-end testing and maintenance business, and to explore the development of characteristic functions such as the high-end, intelligent and green re-manufacturing, etc.. We shall push a joint development of finance with trade and manufacturing industry, by the aid of financial supporting policies like the domestic and foreign currency integration, intensify the function of financial resources serving the offshore bulk commodity markets, and accelerate the development of offshore trade, international bulk commodity transaction, financial leasing, cross-border e-commerce, bonded exhibition and trading of high-end consumer goods, etc.. (Responsible units: Lin-gang New Area Administration, Shanghai Customs, Shanghai Branch of the State Foreign Exchange Control Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, Municipal Commission of Commerce)

6. Driving the joint development of the comprehensive bonded zones in Yangtze River Delta (YRD). We shall deepen the implementation of facilitation measures for the cross-zone circulation of bonded goods, strengthen the cooperation in the fields of the whole industry chain management of the place of origin, the certificate issuance for re-export and non re-processing, and the perfection of mediating and resolving mechanism for disputes concerning the customs’ classification and declaration in the YRD comprehensive bonded zones; and actively explore and then push the integration of logistic supervision, inspection and checking standard and bonded-goods supervision in YRD comprehensive bonded zones to push forward a coordinated and joint development. (Responsible units: Shanghai Customs, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone)

III. Strengthening Safeguard Measures on the Development of Comprehensive Bonded Zones

1.Strengthening overall planning and coordination. The Joint Conference of Areas Under Special Supervision by Shanghai Customs shall maximize its role in the overall planning; enhance the overall plan for the establishment, construction and exit of comprehensive bonded zones; support each comprehensive bonded zone to stress its main businesses, highlight its unique features, focus on its functions and raise its efficiency; and promptly call relevant functional departments and district governments to coordinate and solve various problems met in the process of the development of comprehensive bonded zones. (Responsible units: Member Units of the Joint Conference of Areas Under Special Supervision by Shanghai Customs)

2. Consolidating main-entity responsibilities. The local district people’s government and Lin-gang New Area Administration shall intensify respectively its responsibility as the main entity of the planning, construction, operation and management of the comprehensive bonded zone; include the development of comprehensive bonded zone into the overall plan for economic growth of the district and the annual pivotal tasks of the district people’s government; and introduce quality projects complying with the functional orientation of the zone to cluster and develop in the comprehensive bonded zone. The management organ of the comprehensive bonded zone shall intensify its management responsibility for the routine operation, ensure the normal operation of infrastructures and monitor facilities, carry out accurate and selective business invitations, promptly find out the appeals of enterprises for development, and report to relevant departments. The local district people’s government shall be supported to further delegate the administrative examination and approval limits of authority to the eligible comprehensive bonded zone. (Responsible units: District People’s Government, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone)

3. Enhancing financial support. We shall encourage policy financial institutions to offer quality financial services such as export credit insurance, import credit, export credit and policy financial guarantee to enterprises; encourage the policy financial institution, insurance company and guarantee company to cooperate with the management organ of the comprehensive bonded zone, develop targeted financial products and innovate financial supporting ways, and further serve the healthy development of enterprises in comprehensive bonded zones. The management organ shall actively establish platforms, strengthen the inter-connections between the development funds, venture capital institutions, banking financial institutions and enterprises in the zone, and satisfy their diverse financing needs. (Responsible units: Municipal Financial Affairs Bureau, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone)

4. Optimizing the business environment. The local district people’s governments and relevant municipal departments shall support comprehensive bonded zones to further reduce the cost of enterprises, to optimize the comprehensive supervision, and to improve the surrounding traffic and necessary living auxiliary facilities. The management organ of each comprehensive bonded zone or the operating unit shall establish the acceptance site of one-stop service for enterprises in the zone, and assign full-duty personnel for the service to enterprises. Each functional department in this Municipality shall keep the stability and consistency of the policies and operating standards involving the comprehensive bonded zone; and when formulating administrative regulatory documents closely related to the productive and operational activities of the enterprises in the zone, at least 30 days shall be generally reserved as a preparing period of implementation for the enterprises. (Responsible units: Local District People’s Government, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Relevant Municipal Functional Department)

5. Strengthening evaluation on achievement efficiency. The management organ of each comprehensive bonded zone shall, according to the evaluation requirements prescribed in the Letter of the General Administration of Customs on Printing and Distributing the Evaluation Procedures on the Development Achievement Efficiency of Comprehensive Bonded Zones (for Trial Implementation), carry out various work with the focus on raising the scale and quality efficiency, lifting the utilization rate of land development, enhancing and radiating the service dynamic level, and accelerating the innovation of business forms. The zones listed in Category A of the evaluation results shall have the priority for the pilot new innovation measures; for the zones that their evaluation results are below the average of the eastern regions in evaluation, the district people’s governments of their locality shall make an explanation and work out a scheme for rectification, which shall be reported to the specific municipal leader in charge, and the said leader shall demand a talk with the zone that has failed to reach the rectification requirements in two consecutive years; for the zones that have been established for more than five years and have been listed in Category C in the national and eastern regions’ evaluation results for two consecutive years, and ranked in the bottom five in the national list, the exit procedures shall be initiated in accordance with the relevant requirements of the General Administration of Customs. (Responsible units: Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Local District People’s Governments, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Shanghai Customs)

6. Duplicating and spreading experience. We shall support the innovative experience of the Pilot Free Trade Zone in the fields such as high-end manufacturing, research and development, design, logistics distribution, testing and maintenance, and sales service to be first spread in the comprehensive bonded zone; the measures of the Pilot Free Trade Zone in the fields such as investment and opening-up, trade facilitation, financial service, tax administration and comprehensive supervision to be first duplicated in the comprehensive bonded zone; and the new measures promulgated by relevant municipal departments such as trade facilitation pilots, etc. to be first implemented in the comprehensive bonded zone; and the management organ’s innovation of the management mode to be backed up. We shall actively use the successful experience and practice of other comprehensive bonded zones around the country as reference to upgrade the development level of the comprehensive bonded zones in this Municipality. We shall promptly summarize and spread each comprehensive bonded zone’s pilot practice of policies and management innovation with its own special features to drive a speeded development of other comprehensive bonded zones in this Municipality, and accumulate experience for the country to perfect the administration over the comprehensive bonded zone and to push the transformation and upgrading of the comprehensive bonded zone. (Responsible units: Relevant Municipal Departments, Management Organ of Each Comprehensive Bonded Zone)

Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone may, in the light of its actual circumstances, implement by reference the relevant policies.

These Implementation Opinions shall be effective as of January 15, 2021.

Shanghai Municipal People's Government

January 6, 2021