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Opinions of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Further Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Urban Security Risks


(April 30, 2021)

SMPG G [2021]No. 3

AttentionAll District People's Governments, and all commissions, Offices and Bureaus of the Municipal People’s Government, and all Relevant Units:

With a view to fully implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on preventing and defusing major risks and the essence of the important speech made during his visit to Shanghai, putting in place the vital concept of " People's cities are built by the people and for the people", ensuring the safe operation of this Municipality and safeguarding the people's lives and property, we hereby put forward the following opinions on further strengthening the prevention and control of urban security risks in accordance with the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China and the Opinions on Facilitating the Urban Safe Development issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the General Office of the State Council and other laws, rules and policy –oriented documents: 

I. General Requirements

1. Guiding Ideology 

We shall, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, put people first and life first, give top priority to the protection of people’s lives, constantly strengthen the concept of safe development and resilience adaptation, and always permeate the safe development through urban development in various fields and whole process, always stick to the insurmountable red line that development must not be made at the expense of safety. We shall fully put in place the main body responsibility, leadership responsibility, supervision responsibility and locality responsibility in urban management of risk prevention and control. We shall perfect the urban security risk prevention and emergency assurance system, improve the abilities of risk prevention and control and emergency disposal, and shall not relax our efforts on the security risk prevention and control, hidden perils identification and management on a regular basis, further improve the urban security governance system and build a solid defense line for urban security in a bid to speed up the construction of socialist modernized international metropolis with the world influence.

2. Work objectives 

We shall, by the year of 2025, set up and perfect the urban security risk prevention and control system that covers all districts, all industries, all areas and all key units, improve and optimize the security risk prevention and control mechanism, formulate the basic urban security risk prevention and control pattern featured "hierarchical responsibility of government at all levels, classified management by relevant departments, earnest fulfillment by main bodies and active participation by public". We shall upgrade the prevention and control of urban security risks to be more regular, standardized, normalized and intelligent, and prevent and control risks more scientifically, conduct source disposal more effectively, and improve standards and norms more soundly.

We shall, by the year of 2035, basically fulfil the modernization of the urban security governance system and governing capabilities, significantly enhance the abilities in ensuring urban safe operation and safe production and obviously improve the safety quality of citizens and basically build up a "resilient city" that can cope with various risks in the process of development and obtain abilities of quick fix and recovery.

3. Working principles 

Governments at all levels and relevant departments and units shall follow the principles of "party and government bearing the same responsibility, one post with double responsibilities, concerted control and management and negligence pursuing for liability", "unified leadership, comprehensive coordination, classified management and hierarchical responsibility, locality management as the main form", "managing industry should supervise safety, managing business should supervise safety, managing production and operation should supervise safety", strengthen organizational leadership, specify work plan, define key tasks, divide implementation responsibilities, and continue to intensify the prevention and control of urban security risks.

4. Targets of prevention and control

(1) Urban security risk prevention and control is a dynamic process that identifies, analyzes, evaluates, controls and continuously improves the units, places, parts, equipment, facilities and activities that may lead to casualties, property losses and other adverse social effects. Main work objects include:

Production safety risks in the production, storage, use, operation and transportation of hazardous chemicals and chemical industrial parks, in enterprises in the steel and aluminum processing (deep well casting), explosion-related dust operation, liquid ammonia refrigeration, limited space operation and high-temperature molten metal operation, and in oil (gas) stations, elevators and large amusement facilities and in other related industries and fields.

(2) Construction safety risks of major projects, new reconstruction and expansion projects, small projects, house renovation projects and other projects, including construction safety risks in building attachments such as glass curtain wall, exterior additional facilities such as air conditioning units and others.

(3) Prominent fire safety risks existing in old residential areas, long-span factory warehouses, cold chain logistics, large commercial complexes, high-rise buildings, "three-in-one" places, self-built rental houses in rural areas and illegal use of electric bicycles.

(4) Traffic safety risks of urban rail, road, waterway, air and railway transportation, etc.

(5) Safety risks of important infrastructure as urban "lifeline", such as urban power, water supply, drainage, oil and gas pipe network, gas, communication and network.

(6)Safety risks of people-intensive places such as urban complex, passenger transport station, subway station, wharf, civil airport, ferry, market (fair), hotels (restaurant), outdoor stadium (indoor stadium), auditorium, library, exhibition hall, museum, places of worship, welfare homes, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, parks, scenic spots, cinemas, public places of entertainment

(7) Safety risks of large-scale mass activities such as sports competitions, artistic performances, exhibitions, trade fairs, garden tours, lantern fairs, temple fairs, flower fairs, fireworks parties, etc.

(8) Meteorological disaster, flood disaster, geological disaster, marine disaster, earthquake disaster, agricultural and forestry biological disaster, forest fire and other natural disasters and their secondary derived disaster risks. Including but not limited to the collapse risk of old civil defense works built in early construction period and the landslide and collapse risk of building slope; flooding hazard risk of urban low-lying areas and urban water-logging points; accident risks of equipment and facilities vulnerable to typhoon, rainstorm, lightning and other impacts.

(9) Other risks that may lead to serious accidents (incidents), mass deaths and injuries.

Governments at all levels, relevant departments and units shall, in light of the actual situation, further clarify the work objectives and specific contents of the prevention and control of security risks in their respective regions, industries and sectors and units.

II  Main Tasks

1. Establish and Improve the Urban Security Risk Prevention and Control System

(1) Establish and improve the prevention and control responsibility system. All enterprises and institutions (including scientific research institutes) are the main bodies bearing responsibility in security risk prevention and control of the unit and shall take charge in establishing and perfecting the security risk prevention and control regulations, carry out risk identification analysis, evaluation of control and monitoring and early warning on a regular base, formulate and implement the risk control measures and the emergency plan drill of the unit, strengthen the joint control with the local government and its related departments, and control the security risks of the unit at a reasonable and acceptable level.

Industry management departments are responsible for urging and guiding the security risk prevention and control work in the industry , establish and improve the security risks regulatory responsibility system and the system of supervision and management in the industry, the systems and mechanisms for joint prevention and control of major security risks, technical standards, organize identification evaluation, monitoring and early warning, hierarchical prevention and control of major security risk in the industry, Implement the responsibility for security risk supervision in the industrial sector.

District people’s governments shall be responsible for the security risk prevention and control work within their respective administrative areas, establish and improve the security risk supervision responsibility system and the joint supervision and management mechanismwithin their administrative areas, organize the identification, evaluation, monitoring and early warning, hierarchical prevention and control of major security risk, urge and guide the sub-district (town/township) to carry out the locality management responsibility, improve the security risk discovery and reporting mechanism, and do a good job in the security risk prevention and control work within the area.

(2)Establish and improve a comprehensive coordination mechanism. Governments at all levels shall establish a comprehensive coordination mechanism for the prevention and control of security risks, comprehensively coordinate the prevention and control within their respective administrative areas, study major issues in the risks prevention and control on a regular base, and promote the implementation of the prevention and control in their respective areas and industries. For those involving in trans-regional, trans-departmental or security risk prevention and control subjects whose responsibilities are not clear and whose coordination and solution are difficult or in need of coordination with relevant national ministries and commissions, with other provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities), the district people’s government or municipal administrative departments in charge of industry field shall report to the Municipal People’s Government.

2. Improve the efficiency of urban security risk prevention and control

(1)Effectively carry out security risk assessment. All districts and all departments shall take the lead in organizing the identification of urban security risks in their own regions and industries, organize and carry out urban security risk assessment once every three years, assess the implementation of risk prevention measures, preparedness and emergency response capabilities, update risk levels, divide risk control responsibilities, etc., and form assessment reports as well. Urban security risk assessment refers to the physical assessment of risks and hidden dangers in the region and industry, and does not replace the special assessment work such as environmental assessment and safety assessment. Once there are industry standards for assessing risk grades, such provisions shall prevail. If there are no industry standards, the risk level shall be divided from high to low by major risk, large risk, general risk and low risk, which shall be marked with red, orange, yellow and blue colors respectively. The specific classification standards shall be formulated by the relevant industrial management departments.

(2)Strengthen monitoring and early warning and data sharing and updating. All districts and all departments shall establish a dynamic update system for urban security risk information, update risk information in a timely manner and adjust risk prevention and control strategies according to changes in the situation and the implementation effect of risk control. Relying on the urban operation of "integrated online management", we shall strengthen the risk information aggregation, fully use various sorts of applicable technologies and draw up the four-color security risks distribution map of "red, orange, yellow and blue”. Basically, we shall update the information on general risks and low risks once a year, information on major risks once a half year, and conduct real-time monitoring and early warning of extremely major risks.

(3) Strengthen security risk preparedness and emergency response.

All districts and all departments shall urge and guide the major risk prevention and control responsibility subjects within their regions and industries to establish security risk prevention and control records, formulate risk control plans, specify risk prevention and control measures, and earnestly implement the work. For all sorts of discovered problems we shall take measures in accordance with laws and rules. With respect to the risks and hidden dangers discovered, the relevant units shall be urged to rectify and eliminate them according to the degree of priority and urgency. For major risks discovered across departments, sectors and regions, we should promptly activate a comprehensive coordination mechanism, strengthen coordinated prevention and control efforts, adjust emergency response plans, implement emergency preparedness, and issue early warning or reminding information in due course.

3. Enhance the ability to control and manage urban security risks

(1) Strengthen efforts to control and manage the sources of urban security. All districts and all departments shall standardize and optimize the spatial layout of disaster prevention and reduction in residential areas, commercial areas, economic and technological development zones, industrial parks, port areas and other functional areas in accordance with the requirements of overall urban plans and comprehensive plans for disaster prevention and reduction, promote the urban resilience construction. We shall strengthen disaster-prevention facilities, emergency-avoidance facilities, and civil air defense facilities, and gradually raise the safety standards for infrastructures. We shall strengthen the life-cycle maintenance and management of urban lifeline infrastructure, promote the integration of infrastructure databases, and strengthen the construction of security projects (facilities) that go with the municipal supporting facilities.

(2) Strengthen comprehensive governance in key areas. We shall strengthen the hierarchical and classified prevention and control of the units that engage in production and operation of hazardous chemicals production, carry out the overall assessment of safety risks in chemical industrial parks, promote the screening and rectification of safety risks and hidden dangers in units that engage in production and operation of dust - related explosion, liquid ammonia refrigeration, limited space operation and refueling (gas) stations operating, strengthen the construction of process disposal teams of chemical enterprises and professional fire brigades. We shall strengthen the safety management of major projects, new reconstruction and expansion projects, small projects, house repair projects and other construction fields, strengthen the safety supervision of existing glass curtain wall buildings and the safety renovation of additional facilities on building facades, do a good job in risk identification and assessment, and implement emergency measures. We shall focus on high-risk places and regional fire prevention and control, strengtheninvestigation and discovery of hidden safety risk in the old residential areas, large span workshop warehouse, cold chain logistics, large-scale commercial complex, high-rise building, the "three-in-one" place, rural self-built rental housing and electric bicycle, and encourage eligible units to use technical means such as Internet of things and uplift the fire prevention and control level.

We shall advance the development of an intelligent traffic security management system, strengthen the management of traffic safety risks and hidden dangers, establish a trans-regional cooperation mechanism for responding to emergencies, and improve the linkage and coordination mechanism of Four Chiefs to respond to emergencies. We shall accelerate the safety risk assessment of electric power, gas, water supply and drainage, aviation, rail transit, large complex, bonded port areas, airports, large transportation hubs, etc., carry out key projects for disaster prevention and control, such as the water conservancy project to prevent flood and typhoon, information project for the monitoring and early warning of natural disasters, and the project to survey the comprehensive risks of natural disasters.

(3) Enhance emergency management capabilities. We shall promote the integration of all sorts of emergency command systems, and improve the mechanism for issuing and responding to early warnings in coordination with multiple departments. We shall establish a highly credible third-party security assessment model, and promote the investigation and assessment of security risks and disaster reduction capabilities in key areas and communities. We shall strengthen professional rescue forces in high-rise buildings, subways, chemicals, ships and long-span construction accidents. We shall improve emergency management organizations and facilities in sub-districts, towns and villages, and give full play to the role of emergency management departments at all levels and urban operation management centers in coordinating emergency response.

III. Assurance Measures

1.Strengthen organizational progress. Governments at all levels and relevant departments and units shall attach great importance to the prevention and control of urban security risks, strengthen organization and leadership, clarify the division of responsibilities, study and analyze the prevention and control of security risks on a regular base, coordinate and solve major prevention and control problems, and promote the grid management of urban security risks. Security risk prevention and control shall be included in the work of governments at all levels in their supervision of investigation and handling, in the assessments of safety production and disaster prevention and control, and in the risks evaluations of high-quality development, so as to ensure the implementation of all prevention and control tasks. We shall study specific circumstances and formulate management measures for "one-vote veto" for major security risks, establish and improve a mechanism for joint prevention and control of major security risks, and effectively handle risk prevention and control in an orderly and effective manner.

2. Strengthen assurance support. We shall formulate and improve policies and rules on nongovernmental participation in the prevention and control of urban security risks, and establish and improve policies, standards and normative documents related to the identification, assessment, monitoring and early warning, and hierarchical prevention and control of urban security risks. We shall increase investment in the prevention and control of security risks and the detection of hidden dangers, coordinate and assure funds for the risks prevention and control, ensure that special funds are used for special purpose, and optimize and upgrade technology and equipment. We shall, relying on the "integrated online management" in urban operation, upgrade the levels of grid, information and intelligent management in prevention and control of urban security risks.

3. Promote multi-governance. We shall enhance production safety, disaster prevention and mitigation, emergency aid and other security cultures in Five Advancements, and do a good job in publicity activities such as Safe Production Month, Fire Protection Publicity Month, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Publicity Week, and International Day for Disaster Mitigation. We shall establish and improve a reward system for reporting safety risks, make good use of various services and tip-off hot-lines, and mobilize all social forces to safeguard urban security. We shall explore the establishment of a system of community-level security consultants, and carry out practical projects to improve community emergency response and disaster prevention skills.

We shall promote the implementation of safety production liability insurance, establish and improve the catastrophe insurance system, promote the implementation of multi-year and multi-cause catastrophe insurance, and strengthen technical support for assessing urban security risks, monitoring and early warning, and settling claims for major disasters. We shall encourage universities, research institutes and professional institutions to participate in the risks identification, research, consultation, assessment, prevention and control, and work together to improve the prevention and control level of urban security risks.